AI4ABM@ICML2022 Workshop - Accepted Papers


The StarCraft Multi-Agent Challenges+ : Learning of Multi-Stage Tasks and Environmental Factors without Precise Reward Functions

Mingyu Kim, Jihwan Oh, Yongsik Lee, Joonkee Kim, Seonghwan Kim, Song Chong and Se-Young Yun

Generating Diverse Cooperative Agents by Learning Incompatible Policies

Rujikorn Charakorn, Poraramte Manoonpong, Nat Dilokthanakul

Calibrating Agent-based Models to Microdata with Graph Neural Networks

Joel Dyer, Patrick Cannon, J. Doyne Farmer, Sebastian M. Schmon

High Performance Simulation for Scalable Multi-Agent Reinforcement Learning

Jordan Langham-Lopez, Sebastian M. Schmon, Patrick Cannon


Evology: an Empirically-Calibrated Market Ecology Agent-Based Model for Trading Strategy Search

Aymeric Vié, Maarten Scholl, Doyne Farmer

Differentiable agent-based epidemiological modeling for end-to-end learning

Ayush Chopra, Alexander Rodríguez, Jayakumar Subramanian, Balaji Krishnamurthy, B. Aditya Prakash, Ramesh Raskar

Exploring social theory integration in agent-based modelling using multi-objective grammatical evolution

Tuong Manh Vu, Charlotte Buckley, João A. Duro, Robin C. Purshouse

Estimating the Impact of Coordinated Inauthentic Behavior on Content Recommendations in Social Networks

Swapneel S Mehta, Atilim Gunes Baydin, Bogdan State, Richard Bonneau, Jonathan Nagler, Philip Torr


Low-Loss Subspace Compression for Clean Gains against Multi-Agent Backdoor Attacks

Siddhartha Datta, Nigel Shadbolt

Inferring Relationship using Theory of Mind in Press Diplomacy

Hyeonchang Jeon, Songmi Oh, Wonsang You, Hoyoun Jung, Kyung-Joong Kim

Deep Learning-based Spatially Explicit Emulation of an Agent-Based Simulator for Pandemic in a City

Varun Madhavan, Adway Mitra, Partha Pratim Chakrabarti

The Robustness of Inverse Reinforcement Learning

Ezgi Korkmaz

The AI Macroeconomy: A New Set of Benchmarks for Multiagent Reinforcement Learning Models

Brandon Gary Kaplowitz

Risk Perspective Exploration in Distributional Reinforcement Learning

Jihwan Oh, Joonkee Kim, Se-Young Yun

A Variational Approach to Mutual Information-Based Coordination for Multi-Agent Reinforcement Learning

Woojun Kim, Whiyoung Jung, Myungsik Cho, Youngchul Sung

Convergence and Price of Anarchy Guarantees of the Softmax Policy Gradient in Markov Potential Games

Dingyang Chen, Qi Zhang, Thinh T. Doan